
Tuesday 20 November 2018

My Tinnitus Healing Journey Update - November 2018

Hang on, tinnitus sufferers. At any time, God can remove it. Have faith.

My research of a million tinnitus related things has led me to conclude it is a brain issue. Apparently, the brain is hyperactive in one region for some people who have had brain scans. Similarly, those with chronic pain have a similar brain scan result. 

I have had a lot of chronic pain so perhaps the combination of the two make my brain pop and fizz, so to speak.

So many writers on tinnitus point to the need to calm the brain. Apparently, those with tinnitus are low on grey matter too. Doing activities that increase brain matter might help.


The last two days I have had almost complete quiet and the same two other days this week. That means 4 quiet days within a week. That is an improvement. 

I awoke in the night recently and enjoyed complete and utter quiet for the first time in a long time too. Those who live in quiet have no idea what a blessing it is.


Because I am health-focused, I can't tell you what is having a positive effect. Maybe it is an accumulation of things. 

I take Emergen-C vitamin drink. I am also taking L-Glutimine which I feel has some connection as it heals the gut and builds gaba in the brain. 

I have recently taken cranberry juice. I have also taken my usual supplements that work at healing the adrenals. 

I take magnesium nightly at bedtime. I sometimes take GABA to quiet my brain. 

Last week, I had a full body massage. I also had cupping done on my left trapezius area. The quiet days ensued after that, but the tinnitus was back for one day in between. I will have my massage therapist do that again. I have felt something "STUCK" in that area for a while. Nevertheless, massage helps the lymph system which is important to keep moving. 

My blood tests were all excellent apart from my blood sugar being a little high. I'm doing intermittent fasting four times minimum a week by allowing 10 to 12 hours between eating at night.  This is supposed to reverse insulin resistance I may have. 

The doctor suggested having more fats in my evening meal so that I can do the fast. I have added coconut oil to my morning coffee again, but not quite diligent about my evening fats yet. 

Anyhow, I can't tell you what to do. Listen for what God directs you to do. Trust he is healing you.