
Saturday 2 September 2023

Take Heart with your Tinnitus Experience

I am a witness. Tinnitus is designed to drive us mad. But with a few blessings, we can manage it. Today I have almost complete silence!! Praise God. It is possible, so hang in there.

It is a brain disorder where the brain picks up phantom sounds. After lots of study on my part and by scientists, no one really knows the cause. 

Don't believe everything you read online. So many push it is hearing related. I'm sure there may be some forms related to hearing disorders but not mine. 

The last two times this week that I have had mostly silence I had slept as long as I wanted. Mostly uninterrupted sleep. But sleeping doesn't always fix it for me.

I daily take Lexapro to keep anxiety at bay. My dentist said reduce anxiety and you'll reduce teeth grinding while you sleep. Plus, in 2018 I had panic attacks over the loud tinnitus. I needed help. I was prescribed Lexapro. And this spring, I needed it for depression. So Lexapro it is for me. 

I also keep praying for God to heal the disorder not just for myself, but for all who suffer with it. 

Of course, when it is present, habituation is the answer. For me, habituation is what some people call 'ignoring' the noise. But at times it is annoying and hard to ignore. We can't force habituation. But when we find ourselves going about our day not tuning into the tinnitus, we have been successfully habituated.  

So I wanted to pop in and write this because I know at its peak we read all kinds of stuff that says it will not go away. All I craved at that time was for quiet to return. And lately, that has been happening. Take heart with your tinnitus experience. 

Sunday 15 January 2023

I have Quiet A Lot Lately

January 15, 2023 

Guess what? I have a quiet head a lot lately. Tinnitus not there. I thank God. By a lot I mean every second day it seems to be calming.

I came here to share that because so many are looking for hope. I know I was when my tinnitus peaked in 2017!  It drove me to anxiety attacks. 

So what has caused this latest quiet? I will not mislead you to think I know. God obviously is orchestrating it. 

I AM allowing myself lots of sleep and I get deep sleep just before waking up with quiet. Are you getting deep sleep? Long hours of sleep? Maybe even naps? 

I know in the past sometimes I'd lay down with quiet and after a nap it would be back. That is why I cannot tell you for sure it is the sleep that is quieting it. But I do feel sleep is connected. 

I am also doing another parasite purge. Lots of nasty critters being eliminated with a product called Purge Parasite & another called Paraway. This time, I'm purging for three months, plus taking a probiotic. 

I'm also on a new medication for type 2 diabetes. I won't mention it just yet. For sure, if that new medication seems connected, I will share in the future. 

God bless you all. Hang on to hope. Keep praying for God's healing touch.