
Sunday 15 January 2023

I have Quiet A Lot Lately

January 15, 2023 

Guess what? I have a quiet head a lot lately. Tinnitus not there. I thank God. By a lot I mean every second day it seems to be calming.

I came here to share that because so many are looking for hope. I know I was when my tinnitus peaked in 2017!  It drove me to anxiety attacks. 

So what has caused this latest quiet? I will not mislead you to think I know. God obviously is orchestrating it. 

I AM allowing myself lots of sleep and I get deep sleep just before waking up with quiet. Are you getting deep sleep? Long hours of sleep? Maybe even naps? 

I know in the past sometimes I'd lay down with quiet and after a nap it would be back. That is why I cannot tell you for sure it is the sleep that is quieting it. But I do feel sleep is connected. 

I am also doing another parasite purge. Lots of nasty critters being eliminated with a product called Purge Parasite & another called Paraway. This time, I'm purging for three months, plus taking a probiotic. 

I'm also on a new medication for type 2 diabetes. I won't mention it just yet. For sure, if that new medication seems connected, I will share in the future. 

God bless you all. Hang on to hope. Keep praying for God's healing touch.