
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Update December 2018 - Tinnitus is a Brain Issue

I am not healed yet, but I am coping as well as I can. I had cupping done again and had 2.5 days with no tinnitus before it returned. I had quiet on Christmas Eve and Day, but it is back now, Boxing Day.

I just read this article which I wanted to post part of. I don't have the reference as it was on a Facebook post. 

"US scientists strongly believe that the tinnitus is caused by the brain, not by the ear. They have been able to treat ear ringing by stimulating certain areas responsible for tinnitus in the brain.

The researchers put their small electrical current on the areas responsible for tinnitus in the brain by stimulating nerves in the neck or head directly. The double-stimulation method reduced the activity of the tinnitus-emitting regions in the brain, thereby reducing the noise.

The report showed that tinnitus is caused when some areas of the brain, which primarily act as a filter of nascent sounds, do not function normally and turn into a constant source of buzzing. The researchers said that electrical stimulation returned these brain neurons to function normally."

God of all Creation knows what is going on in your brain. God of all Healing can touch your brain and set it right at any time. Keep praying for healing. Pray for others who suffer. Ask God for help in managing the issue until he brings healing. 

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