
Friday 17 November 2017

Tinnitus - a Type of Alarm

When I first noticed ongoing tinnitus, I was overweight. I told my doctor it was like my weight gain from hormone treatment had turned on alarm bells. I was having adrenalin rushes too but my doctor failed to help me figure out what was going on. A student doctor suggested I had GERD - an acid reflux problem. I can tell you without a doubt that was not the issue.

Tinnitus is something professionals can't seem to grasp unless they've experienced it themselves. The same goes for un-called for adrenaline rushes.

I'm reading a Kindle book by another author and his theory is coinciding with one my son came up with--my amygdala is overstimulated. My central nervous system is on high alert. The question becomes why and how to turn it off.

I've investigated this theory before and I hope I get more insight now with this resource God has led me to. The focus is on living a relaxed life. 

Let me encourage you to investigate this idea too, but also to have a look at my Kindle book which is posted in the post below this one. 

Friday 10 November 2017

Frustration of Random Tinnitus

It's been a full year since my tinnitus peaked sending me into anxiety and a year of it dominating my life!

It got worse after a cold last year added to a neck injury and a stressful family issue. I wondered if one was a contributor or if they all were. Indeed, it is possible each issue can lead to tinnitus. Or, none are leading to it, they are just happening simultaneously.

I recently had another cold. I had LESS days with tinnitus with it. Why is that? I don't know.

Share your story. Have you had a neck injury? Have you had a mild concussion? Have you found any connection to something you have going on in life and the tinnitus being problematic? Let me know.

Also, check out my book Tinnitus, God, and You: Walk Through Tinnitus with Faith by [Garde, Rose]

Sunday 5 November 2017

New Kindle Book Tinnitus,God, and You

Like most tinnitus sufferers, I went on a journey to find a cause and solution when it peaked last year. 

I've discovered it's an anomaly. While it's been studied since the 1800s, no one has found one sure reason for it or one sure cure. 

Tinnitus can be linked as a side effect to over 200 different diseases. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests tinnitus has varied causes.

While most look sufferers for symptom relief, underlying causes can be addressed if a person has even a clue what may be contributing. 

When I was on an online forum, some tinnitus sufferers questioned if God was punishing them. Like them, I wanted to hear from God too. It's so hard to be who we want to be for God while fighting such a horrible condition. It's equally difficult to hear from God when suffering with constant hissing in our head.

One thing I'm sure of, we have to believe things are going to get better. We have to.

So, as I gathered, information, I put it into eBook form with the motive to encourage sufferers to turn to God for healing and comfort. Together, we can become a conduit to find the cure. Together, we can pray for each other. 

It is available on Amazon now as a digital book which can be downloaded onto any electronic device. 

Tinnitus, God, and You: Walk Through Tinnitus with Faith by [Garde, Rose]

Please pray mine will subside while I pray for all who read my book. 

I've had many days with it barely there. God grants me reprieve from it every few days. 

I'm asking God to heal the tinnitus I suffer with just as he healed Job and so many others in the Bible. 

Pray for good research, pray for those afflicted, and pray we each find the root of ours and the proper pathway to healing,