
Friday 17 November 2017

Tinnitus - a Type of Alarm

When I first noticed ongoing tinnitus, I was overweight. I told my doctor it was like my weight gain from hormone treatment had turned on alarm bells. I was having adrenalin rushes too but my doctor failed to help me figure out what was going on. A student doctor suggested I had GERD - an acid reflux problem. I can tell you without a doubt that was not the issue.

Tinnitus is something professionals can't seem to grasp unless they've experienced it themselves. The same goes for un-called for adrenaline rushes.

I'm reading a Kindle book by another author and his theory is coinciding with one my son came up with--my amygdala is overstimulated. My central nervous system is on high alert. The question becomes why and how to turn it off.

I've investigated this theory before and I hope I get more insight now with this resource God has led me to. The focus is on living a relaxed life. 

Let me encourage you to investigate this idea too, but also to have a look at my Kindle book which is posted in the post below this one. 

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