
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Update December 2018 - Tinnitus is a Brain Issue

I am not healed yet, but I am coping as well as I can. I had cupping done again and had 2.5 days with no tinnitus before it returned. I had quiet on Christmas Eve and Day, but it is back now, Boxing Day.

I just read this article which I wanted to post part of. I don't have the reference as it was on a Facebook post. 

"US scientists strongly believe that the tinnitus is caused by the brain, not by the ear. They have been able to treat ear ringing by stimulating certain areas responsible for tinnitus in the brain.

The researchers put their small electrical current on the areas responsible for tinnitus in the brain by stimulating nerves in the neck or head directly. The double-stimulation method reduced the activity of the tinnitus-emitting regions in the brain, thereby reducing the noise.

The report showed that tinnitus is caused when some areas of the brain, which primarily act as a filter of nascent sounds, do not function normally and turn into a constant source of buzzing. The researchers said that electrical stimulation returned these brain neurons to function normally."

God of all Creation knows what is going on in your brain. God of all Healing can touch your brain and set it right at any time. Keep praying for healing. Pray for others who suffer. Ask God for help in managing the issue until he brings healing. 

Tuesday 20 November 2018

My Tinnitus Healing Journey Update - November 2018

Hang on, tinnitus sufferers. At any time, God can remove it. Have faith.

My research of a million tinnitus related things has led me to conclude it is a brain issue. Apparently, the brain is hyperactive in one region for some people who have had brain scans. Similarly, those with chronic pain have a similar brain scan result. 

I have had a lot of chronic pain so perhaps the combination of the two make my brain pop and fizz, so to speak.

So many writers on tinnitus point to the need to calm the brain. Apparently, those with tinnitus are low on grey matter too. Doing activities that increase brain matter might help.


The last two days I have had almost complete quiet and the same two other days this week. That means 4 quiet days within a week. That is an improvement. 

I awoke in the night recently and enjoyed complete and utter quiet for the first time in a long time too. Those who live in quiet have no idea what a blessing it is.


Because I am health-focused, I can't tell you what is having a positive effect. Maybe it is an accumulation of things. 

I take Emergen-C vitamin drink. I am also taking L-Glutimine which I feel has some connection as it heals the gut and builds gaba in the brain. 

I have recently taken cranberry juice. I have also taken my usual supplements that work at healing the adrenals. 

I take magnesium nightly at bedtime. I sometimes take GABA to quiet my brain. 

Last week, I had a full body massage. I also had cupping done on my left trapezius area. The quiet days ensued after that, but the tinnitus was back for one day in between. I will have my massage therapist do that again. I have felt something "STUCK" in that area for a while. Nevertheless, massage helps the lymph system which is important to keep moving. 

My blood tests were all excellent apart from my blood sugar being a little high. I'm doing intermittent fasting four times minimum a week by allowing 10 to 12 hours between eating at night.  This is supposed to reverse insulin resistance I may have. 

The doctor suggested having more fats in my evening meal so that I can do the fast. I have added coconut oil to my morning coffee again, but not quite diligent about my evening fats yet. 

Anyhow, I can't tell you what to do. Listen for what God directs you to do. Trust he is healing you. 

Saturday 15 September 2018

September 15, 2018 How am I Doing?

I thought it was time for an update. some people who have dealt with tinnitus for a long time have mentioned something called habituation. 

Habituation is the process of adjusting to a health issue to a point that it diminishes its impact. With tinnitus, we learn to cope rather than respond with anxiety. I still take half an anti-anxiety pill daily though to make sure I don't become anxious. 

The piercing is still here right now as I type. A horrible high pitched sound. But as my mind becomes immersed in other thoughts, the sound diminishes. sometimes it depends on the angle of my head too. 

I'm pretty sure something is pinched in my neck or trap muscle. I can feel it. Since the tinnitus began, I've developed a habit of trying to de-stress my neck. 

It does still dominate my life as I think about it daily. Some days are quiet. I am so happy to have two days in a row with barely no noise. I can't put together why that happens.

I've been sleeping on a travel pillow for neck stability. I think that has helped the neck pain. I still take a load of supplements. I just went through an adrenal health program. Exercise is good. I also just did another parasite cleanse as I have pets that I'm pretty sure carry such. 

I sometimes notice a connection when I eat something sweet. Like immediately! I'm as sugar free as I seem to be able to manage. I'm taking berberine to help with my blood sugar. I have no clue if it is involved in my quiet days. I take so many things I doubt I'll know what really helps. 

I wish I had a cure for you but I don't. I will say it is no where as loud and anxiety-causing as in this story.  I still ask God to remove it. 

Friday 2 February 2018

New to Tinnitus?

If you are newly experiencing tinnitus, it can be scary. It is annoying at the very least. 

There are a couple of types of tinnitus. One is hearing related (or at least that's what they think). Usual this person has some hearing loss and can be diagnosed with a hearing test. This indicates damage to the inner ear. 

Then there is one called "somatic" which means realted to the body. Some individuals (such as myself) also have neck, head, or back pain. Then again we don't really know the exact location giving off the sound. 

Some say it is a phantom sound the audio nerves are picking up. This sound isn't necessarily in the ear, but in the brain or in the head. 

There are so many possible links I won't mention them all here, but my book off to the side of this post outlines many of them. For some the book can be read for free as it is in the Kindle match program.

Monday 15 January 2018

Tinnitus One Year Later

Last year at this time, I was in a living hell. I had piercing ongoing tinnitus that caused anxiety. I decided I needed to rest my brain, and for most of the winter, hibernated on my sofa trying to overcome the dreaded condition.

I put a number of treatments into action as I continued to investigate the root. 

A year later, I'm thriving. I try not to tune into the tinnitus and God really is giving me reprieve every couple of days. For about three days a week it's practically non-existent. Then it returns. Mine is somehow related to sleep because I either wake up with quiet or with tinnitus. 

I also still have crunchy neck syndrome and head and neck pain. That is either a co-incidence or part of the problem. 

Diet is something I work on too. Healing my gut and balancing my gut PH has been part of my mission. I learned carbonated beverages can wreak havoc on my gut. I have noticed a connection. 

My advice is you tackle your tinnitus from many directions. It CAN simmer down and even disappear.