
Saturday 9 April 2022

Let Me Encourge you on Your Tinnitus Journey

I am here to encourage you. My head is quiet. 

My tinnitus is nearly non-existent. 

It disappears every few days. 

It does return. 

Sometimes it is louder than it is on other days. But on days like this when it is quiet, I am thankful. 

So if you are in the midst of dealing with new tinnitus, I want to encourage you.

I want to encourage because when I first had it at screaming levels, it brought on general anxiety disorder. I was frustrated to learn there didn't seem to be anything I could do to get rid of it. Worse, idiots TOLD ME that I was stuck with it. Doomsdayers gave me the low-down that I might as well accept it. 

For the most part, I do accept it, but that doesn't mean that I don't look after myself, hope for a cure, and pray it heals.  


You probably want me to get to the point of the magic cure I'm using. I cannot say there is a magic cure. The biggest factor seems to be related to sleep. I have no clue what is going on while I sleep that is affecting it but today, for example, I awoke at a normal wakeup time for most people, but because I had no job to get to, had the opportunity to sleep more if I chose to. And I did choose to go back to sleep partly because I enjoy sleep once I'm able to and because there was tinnitus at the first waking. I know from experience, that sometimes when I sleep longer, I awake with a quieter head. 

So today I fell back asleep for almost 4 more hours and awoke with a quiet head. I did sleep for around 10 hours. 


I take vitamins and supplements like many of you for multiple reasons.  

I take 3 magnesium with taurine supplements before bed. I also take GABA at bedtime if my mind won't stop thinking. 

I sometimes sleep with a humidifier in the bedroom, an air cleaner, and gave a fan running as these help me cope with tinnitus sounds. I keep the room  dark. 

I take a Escitalopram, sold under the brand names Cipralex and Lexapro as a treatment for anxiety & depression.  This was prescribed when tinnitus peaked and threw me into general anxiety disorder.

I also take a multivitamin, Vitamin D and a few other supplements. These supplements I hope reduce inflammation, balance cortisol and help my body deal with stress. It is hard to prove if supplements do anything, so you either take them or you don't. 

The type of tinnitus I have is not hearing-related as far as I'm concerned. It is something my brain is picking up. I discuss possible connections in my online Kindle book. 

Tinnitus, God, and You: Walk Through Tinnitus with Faith 

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